Whether you’re a Goth, metal-head, traditional post-Punker or eighties fanatic there is a local alternative scene that is calling out for help. What happened to the days when all alternatives alike would band together to create a thriving scene with music, merch and great people? While you’re rocking out at your Goth only club, there…
Let’s play a game Go to your local record store — every good town should have one — and try to find Justin Bieber’s Believe, which sold almost 1,500,000 copies in 2012. Nothing? Okay, try again. See if you can find anything by Nickelback. Nada? Okay, now see if you can find anything by The Pixies. What,…
Improve your Tone Music can be divided into genres (e.g., country music) and genres can be further divided into subgenres (e.g., country blues and pop country are two of the many country subgenres), although the dividing lines and relationships between music genres are often subtle, sometimes open to personal interpretation, and occasionally controversial. For example, it can be hard to draw the line between…
This is some intro text, with the “lead” css class applied. You can easily use it with the default editor and later with Gutenberg. Music is an art form and cultural activity whose medium is sound organized in time. The common elements of music are pitch (which governs melody and harmony), rhythm, dynamics, and the…